In Finding Purpose/ Series/ Spiritual Growth How God Leverages our Lives for His Purposes October 7, 2020 By Krisi Monsivaiz Lately, here in the goodsoil, I’ve been talking about our purpose. Over the past few weeks we’ve covered some important territory regarding God’s purpose for our lives. To Recap… Continue Reading →
In Faith/ Series/ Spiritual Growth Finding Your Purpose September 23, 2020 By Krisi Monsivaiz In last week’s post on purpose, I spelled out what God says about you and I and laid the ground work for what is central to knowing our purpose.… Continue Reading →
In Faith/ Friends + Family/ Spiritual Growth You Were Created For Purpose September 15, 2020 By Krisi Monsivaiz How do we know what God’s purpose is for our lives? Come on back to the late 90’s with me for a minute. As a new mom, living in… Continue Reading →