They have questions. They have hopes. And dreams. And gifts. And fears. And uncertainties. These brave, youthful, teachable twenty something lovelies have questions. Deep in their souls they long to have purpose, make an impact, and belong. Thirsting for someone to assure them that they will. Hoping for someone to share with them. Someone to share what they themselves have received by the great teacher of life…experience.
As I listen to their inquisitive asks, my heart aches. It aches not because they are asking but because they deserve to be heard and listened to and engaged in and dialogued with. They can’t be missed or laughed off because they are young and we are too busy living our grown up lives. They are beyond their years because they seek. Looking for wisdom and understanding like it’s hidden treasure. They are brave enough to ask.

Therefore, mature mamas, we owe them the same boldness. Boldness to answer. To slow down, pay attention, look outside our own urgencies and give back. Offer our time, our scars, our lessons learned and our unconditional love. We ourselves would not have made it without the same sacrifice of those who taught us from their own testimonies. We would have wandered too long. Maybe even walked ridiculously far in the opposite direction of our calling. Don’t get me wrong, a critical part of our journey is the path of mistakes and mishaps and even wandering, which are necessary in order to grow and learn to reach for Jesus! Many of us have our own wounds from the desolate places we’ve found ourselves in along the way. BUT, God never intended for us to journey in isolation forever. He created community and fellowship. And the amazing part about His communal plan…he uses our pain. It’s never ever wasted in God’s economy. Our past is ALWAYS redeemable for God’s purposes. Not only in our own lives but even beyond ourselves to those walking their own journey within our sphere. Acts 17:26-27
As I have had the opportunity to gather with my fellow females over the years, I have put into practice inviting others from a younger age demographic into the dialogue. It typically looks like this: Take your tribe of women who you have been learning alongside with or even leading and invite the youthful lovelies to join in one day. Ask your older mamas to share among the young ones what they would tell their 16 year old self, or 20 year old self, or 30 year old self, depending on the group. Then sit back and watch the goodness of community unfold.

In a world where it’s becoming harder and harder to connect and belong beyond our digital dialogue, this my friends, is a territory worth taking back. Let us live outTitus 2:3-4 . Gather people and love them well. Take back the isolation, the fear, the shame and the fake online friendships for something far better. Replace it with fellowship, expectation, regard, respect and authentic sisterhood. This is God’s original intention for his people. So, my fellow matriarchs, let us gather those babies at our table or in our living room or inside a coffee shop. Create an opportunity for community and a safe place for uncertainty. We may just come out the other side with some answers to our very own grown up questions.

February 10, 2019 at 2:32 amSo good. Do you have an email where I can ask you a question?
Krisi Monsivaiz
February 19, 2019 at 4:40 pmThank you Sabrina! Of course…I would love to hear from you. You can email me at: