
About Me

Hi. I’m Krisi

Welcome to The Good Soil. Here we cultivate lives that make an impact, and are changed for the better. I love God and I’m passionate about His people. I believe that God has written a story and that He has invited you into that story… that He has uniquely equipped each of you to play a role in His narrative and be transformed in the process.

My hope in creating this blog is that women discover and embrace their purpose and live passionately for what matters most; learning to live abundantly and to impact eternally those around them.

A few of my favorite things…

I adore my family. I am married to the tall, dark and handsome man that I met in college. We have five kids and we specialize in talking over each other at the dinner table. We adore our big loud family and have been built into better people because of one another.

I love home. Gathering with my people. Creating comfort and beauty and memories. It has been a place where God has taught me so much about the important things in life. It has been an area where we have opened up our hearts and our space to hundreds of people… Which has brought  purpose and meaning well beyond anything we could have crafted ourselves.  I hope and pray that my kids have learned the value of conversation and the importance of loving others by living under our roof. 

I care about people.  All types of people. Having lived my fair share of brokenness and misplaced identity only to be left with a deep longing for something more… I want to help others develop deep roots of identity and truth according to what God says about himself and us in the Bible. I want to create a community where we intentionally cultivate our lives to receive God’s best for us.  Providing encouragement for us to grow and bear much fruit for the purposes in which we have been called. I believe God uses people, places and time in order to accomplish His will and tell his story.  I hope to use my allotted place and time to love people well and gracefully live for God’s story!

I follow Jesus. I’m an imperfect follower of Jesus. He reached into my life, grasped me from a destructive path and transformed me.  In a world that can be harsh and unreliable, He is faithful, loving and good. Desiring to be a good steward of my experiences, I am all about sharing the good, the bad and the ugly. For the record, anything good in me is only because of Jesus. Miraculously, He chose to use the broken, the bad, and the ugly to bring about fruitful and lovely things that are beyond what I ever thought was possible.

I value community. Living in ten different cities during my married adult life has been the fertile ground in which God has cultivated a desire to connect with others. I mean this from the depths of my nomadic soul…We were not created to live in isolation! I have found myself lonely and far away from everything familiar as a result of moving to new cities and foreign countries. Transplanted life has taught me how vital community is to our growth, abundance and well being.

I am so glad you stopped by and I look forward to hearing from you!
