Friendships are important. Most of us would agree that they are vital to our growth and thriving.
Then, there are those relationships that go the distance. The ones that have been through the good, the bad and even the ugly with you. I call these life friends. Because life is hard and messy and beautiful. Just like genuine friendship.

I recently spent time in Savannah with one of my best life friends of twenty-five years, Jen Johnson. Jen has made a permanent imprint on the very fiber of who I am as… a woman, a wife, a mother and A FRIEND. I am here to tell you, this is the stuff worth investing in dear ones! LIFE FRIENDS.
Those that will love you enough to tell you the hard truth when you’re not living in God’s best. Or when your hairstyle needs a serious update. Those that will be quick to forgive when you hurt them. And not keep score when you are in a tough season and uber needy. Girlfriends who will assume good intent even when there is conflict. And ones that are willing to eat their way through a girl’s trip alongside you with no judgement.

We need each other. In the trenches of raising babies. Walking through marriage struggles. Amidst crisis. Growing our faith. Parenting our teens. Learning to live for what matters most. Discovering we are not alone.
Jen and I have journeyed through all of those things together. By way of our friendshipping, God has loved us, taught us, sharpened us, inspired us and changed us for the better. While eating and talking our way through Savannah, Jen and I decided to podcast one of our conversations. In our conversation, we talk about some of the examples of how we have navigated life together as mamas, wives and friends… even during seasons of living on opposite sides of the world. (I link the podcast for you below)
At our core, God created us for connection and community. Primarily with Him and then with his people. Without genuine intentional friendship, we tend towards isolation, loneliness, sin and shame.

I care deeply about this battle for connection and camaraderie! So, here are a few nuggets gathered from my road to genuine friendship.
- Pray for God to choose your friends
- Move towards the friendships you desire in your life
- Be teachable
- Love sacrificially
- Forgive quickly
- Enjoy the fruit of life friends
- It’s never too late to begin the above
- Start now
A friend loves at all times,
Proverbs 17:17
and a brother is born for adversity.
Anything meaningful in my life has been hard and taken time. (I’ve hijacked this quote from Brene Brown and it is now my mantra for all of existence).
Friendship at times will be hard and it will for sure take an investment of time. But, it can be one of the most meaningful pursuits in our lives.
My friend Jen, and her husband Barrett have an invaluable ministry called INFO for Families. Where they offer insight, encouragement and resources for all imperfect and normal families. Go to their website here and discover a wealth of wisdom for growing your own families.
You can listen to the podcast Jen and I recorded here.

Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up.
Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

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