Well, I did not take any family Easter pics this year. #momfail #ohwell (the above photo is from January 2019). Maybe it was because, this year was quarantine Easter, and we found ourselves in our comfy clothes with un-styled top knots and our dudes all in need of a haircut. Now that I think about it, that would have been a more accurate snapshot to capture! Goodness knows this is how we role during Corona virus quarantine anyway.
I did however snap a pic of my table. Because, none of the dishes or greenery, met my request for a photo with loathsome teenage objections. My table settings were more than happy to sit still, look pretty and show their gratitude for my dedication and sacrificial care for them. Ahem!

Our big loud family made much of our table time together. Thanking Jesus for his sacrifice that changed EVERYTHING and his life that brings meaning to ALL THINGS.
We sat around candles and cloth napkins, enjoying grilled steak, smashed maple sweet potatoes, smokey parmesan roasted cauliflower and panzanella. Topping it off with lemon bars sans extra icing for dessert. Not the least bit distracted by our mismatched attire, due to the fact we were here for the food and fellowship, each of us answered this question:
“How are you similar to your dad and how are you similar to your mom?”
Everyone around the table, including my husband and I, took turns highlighting the qualities we share with each of our parents. It was fun, hilarious and meaningful, and for our gang, there were no big surprises. I was delighted to hear my kids banter about the traits they share with us and their keen awareness of those. At the same time, I was humbled. Seeing the tendencies we pass on to our children, both the good and the bad, and even the ugly is humbling.

If you have children, then you know… parenting = humility! However, this is actually good news. Really??? Yes. For real. Let me explain.
Our table time question reminded me of two things:
First, the sin struggles we share with our children are tangible opportunities to demonstrate our need for a savior and point our children to Jesus. Our fleshly flaws make us real. Allowing us to showcase how Jesus is alive, offering us hope to overcome our sinful nature.
Second, those good qualities we share, are also an opportunity to point to Jesus and His purpose for our lives.
Bottom line: anything good we have to offer our families or the world is because of the good gifts given to us by our Heavenly Father!
The Bible talks about this in the book of James.
Whatever is good and perfect is a gift coming down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens.[a] He never changes or casts a shifting shadow.[b]
James 1:17

The good news y’all…
God uniquely equipped each of us to live within meaningful mission here on earth. He also gave us a savior to redeem all of our shortcomings for His glory and our good.
We are not left to be stuck in our struggles and sin. They are part of living in a broken world yet they are one hundred percent redeemable by Jesus, who’s very life, death and resurrection proved more powerful than anything we may be up against this side of heaven.
But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.
I Peter 2:9
Those admirable qualities that we will share with our namesake, were knit into us by our Heavenly Father. He gave them to us for a reason. So that we can use our gifts and abilities to bring glory to God and make a positive impact on the world around us.
For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.
Ephesians 2:10


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