0 In Faith/ Feast/ Parenting

Trust God With It

Do things that matter with people you love.

Once a year, for the past four years, I’ve had the opportunity to board a plane, fly somewhere amazing, and experience the world for a few days with one of my boys and a band of their high school cohorts.

It’s a school trip. One that is special, exhausting, and so very worth it.

At some point I stopped picking my boys up… and then suddenly looked up and they could carry me!

Back before I could… pull out my pocket sized iPhone, while listening wirelessly to my Spotify playlist and simultaneously type this little message, using a signal that’s somehow traveling to space and back all while I’m on a plane going 500 miles an hour in mid air, I too was a high school student.

During that very formative (and according to my children, primitive) time. I was greatly impacted by a friend’s mother. My life had recently been changed by Jesus and this woman, Mrs Tolbert, stepped into that very fresh place of newness and nurtured an unsure 17 year old.

NYC chaperone gig with my man child and his fellow man child buddies.

She taught me about the Bible and how it revealed who Jesus is and His purpose for our lives. She invited me into her world and her experiences and her home. She spiritually mentored me and loved me amidst my teenagedom.

As I sit here, midair, with a pack of senior youth, bound for their last High School trip hurrah, here are my thoughts.

I adore this band of senior students!

These boys… because I love them, I love their people. I pray that God will allow me to leverage even a minute of the influence Mrs Tolbert poured into my 17 year old soul.

Wether you are a student or parent, teen or young adult, empty nester or new mama, young or old…

Do things that matter with people you love. Be a good steward of your experiences my fellow follower of Jesus. Each one of you have something valuable to offer.

Wether it be offered to teenagers… toddlers… young adults… new mamas… or even, God bless them, middle schoolers…

Trust God with it.


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